Sunday, 2 March 2008

Tophill Low & Hornsea Mere

68 Species

Kempy didn't leave work at dinner time for a change this Monday, he had the full day off instead!!! He headed for Jacko's to pick him and his Dad Gary up for a morning session at Tophill Low NR. After fuelling up we headed for Hempholme on the River Hull, en route we ticked Starling, Collared Dove, Carrion Crow and Wood Pigeon and when we were 2 mins away from the River Hull we noticed a field stuffed with Thrushes so pulled alongside to pick out many Fieldfare and Redwing.
Parked up and dropped anchor in the makeshift car park and we began gettin our usual kit together (Handheld Cam, Optics, Cigs and Lighter). Kempy got his blue fleece on, Jacko got his Blue coat on and it was especially good to see Gary had come in dress code too, he fitted right in with his white trainees, adidas trackees and blue fleece. Unfortunately, Jacko had to have a word in the ear about COMMANDMENT No6 ... Thou shall not be seen with bins around neck...full stop!
But before anymore was said Gary had gone off 50 yrds ahead ticking Wren,and Dunnock.

As we walked along the river bank heading for Hempholme weir and Tophill Low we heard our first Yellowhammer song of the year, unfortunately this was to be a bogey for us all day as could we frig find it!!! But we saw Reed Bunting, Tree Sparrow, Blue Tit and Magpie.

Carried on along the bank where we got Black-headed Gull BLOGGING, also Common Gull sat in farmers field, there was also a right noisy friggin' Skylark way up high in song. To the right in the small nature reserve were Mute Swan,Greylag and Canada Geese along with Coot, Mallard and plenty of Wigeon. We then picked out some Teal in flight which any duck in flight for us is good as we're sh*t at stuff like that!
Started the long walk up the drain were a distant white looking bird in flight was picked out by Gary turned out to be a lonesome Redshank. Jackdaw was next encountered, appearing to be trying to nest in a Barn Owl box several of the bleeders seemed to be up for some serious squatting! Also a Pheasant sh*t us up as it spooked from under our feet and made the usual racket!!!. Arrived at Tophill along 'D' rezzy we got Grey Partridge and large numbers of Curlew in farmers field adjacent along with Lapwing then a questionable Gull at disance turned out to be a Heron-Gull.. when it took off it became blatently obvious it was the 1st Grey Heron of the day. We then headed straight to purchase our tickets from the machine along the way the usual Goldfinch, Long-Tailed Tits, Greenfinch and quite a few Goldcrest in the coniferous trees in the car park also Chaffinch.

Paid our £2.50 each then headed for the Visitor Centre to check out the feeders and it was only f*ckin closed! Great Tit and Coal Tit both picked up round here then into the first Stash... As soon as flap opened Kempy shouted "Kingfisher!" and spooked it! He and Gary then saw were it landed too. We ticked Pochard and headed for the next couple of stashes to try get a better view or some record shots. No record shots taken although an Oystercatcher did fly over. Robin and Blackbird kept us going along the way to 'O' rezzy. At 'O' rezzy we got Tufted Duck, Gadwall and the highlight of our day were a few Goldeneye picked out at distance.

Only to be out done by a PAIR of GOSHAWKS soaring and displaying at distance! Lifer all round! We got blurry pictures of sky in the hope of a record shot... We love our handhelds hahaha!!! Carried on around 'O' rezzy!!! Taking in all stashes before Watton Borrow Stash Shoveler and Shelduck where seen.
Still no Moorhen BUT! We went into Watton Borrow Pitts stash and we were all scanning there was Cormorant, another Grey Heron, the Smew thats been seen lately didn't show for us, but Jacko picked out the most attractive, best looking Moorhen ever to be seen!!!

That was shortly followed by Kempy picking out a single Ringed Plover.We headed back toward the car park in the hope the Visitor Centre would now be open..Was it f*ck! Jacko had a great idea of ripping the flaming ticket machine off the wall to get a refund! Not to be out done we popped round the back just to see if we could see owt, there was just the usual finches etc. Then Gary picked out a Brambling sat in the top of a bush, lifer for Kempy and Gary!!
Walked back through the wood and when we came out along the wall a very random Pied Wagtail popped up for us.

We then headed back along the river bank to the car. Tophill Total was 54 (Jacko's prediction) we made well sure he had really seen a Rook in a last gasp scan of some Crow species! (well done Jacko good guess!!!) Still only early we decided to head for Hornsea Mere. On the way through brandesburton for a quick sandwich Sparrowhawk, Mistle thrush and House Sparrow were ticked.
Cheers to Gary for the Butties! Then on to the Mere, on way Herring Gull was seen in Hornsea. Setting off on the Mere footpath things seemed VERY VERY QUIET!! Walked through the field where Jacko and Kempy had all but staked all they had on us flushing a Meadow Pipit only to get 75% round and still no sign! We was worried... until one single bird popped up, still we couldn't tick it as we only saw the white flights in the tail and it could still of been a Reed Bunting. But hey, the little bugger decided to give us a few calls as it headed away! Thank f*ck for that!!! Then onto the bank of the Mere were Gary picked out a GSW in the wood behind, no sign of any Grebes still! or bogey Treecreeper! Headed through the fields as did three very timid Jay! We couldnt get within 100 yrds of them bleeders! A Sparrowhawk was also seen heading away from us.

We came to the cottage and again another GSW and alot of Song thrush were round there too.

On the walk back Kempy picked up on a Kestrel perched in the middle of the wood only for it to fly off to the back of the trees and out of sight in the plumage.
On the way back two Deer where seen, they stood, we looked at them...

They looked at us...

Jacko took another pic...

They f*cked off!!!!

Back on the bank we saw LBB Gull, GBB Gull and Jacko Picked out some Ruddy Duck. The last tick of the day went to a 'gang' of Linnet that all left the hedgerow as we were nearly back to the car.

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